5 Helpful Website Rules: What Fits In the Frame

Frames. What do you think of when I say the word. Maybe the fancy ones surrounding great art on the walls of museums. Maybe a single image in a strip of film. In terms a blog thought, it does not seem applicable. I disagree and have given it one. A frame not only surrounds an image, but limits it. There is, in film talk, what’s in and out of the frame. I have expanded this sense of it to include what we curate, what fits in the frame, and, more important, we leave out of it in our public selves, both in real life and online. These choices often happen by gut, but I believe they deserve some deeper consideration, a SOP in place as you navigate life, or lives, as we live them today. And, in the spirit of honesty, here are 5 helpful website rules, some parts of my full life that do not get included in this frame:

My Politics

Sort of an obvious one, and not always easy as politics touches far more of our daily lives that we consider, but I’m trying to create a picture of writing and publishing. It’s far too easy to get distracted by, well, everything and anything, but politics, that’s a huge tornado one that often have people self-excluding themselves. So, unless there is something that affects my business life, fits outside this frame.

My Family

Again, obvious, and like politics, family lies in almost impossible territory as they so often invade our professional lives, but I’m making the effort. And for selfish reasons. One of the things that inevitability happens in creating your book, or any piece of art, is that your life, including family drama, seeps in. It’s impossible to escape it, and maybe, by not having them in the frame in the blog, they will overlook it in the novel. Nobel? Sort of. Selfish? 100% and my policy going forward.

My Other Job(s)

As much as I wish I could say it right now, I don’t earn my living this way. I have a W2 job and a business I’m working to get off the ground. Neither will get much mention here for two reasons. First, when I’m in novel writing space, and that includes this blog, I need to not allow distractions. I can’t multitask. No one can, but that’s an argument for another day. I can’t and so I won’t. Second, you don’t care. Exception, my W2 job is fairly physical and writing is sedentary. Health posts will have to include this, but that’s all you will get. No work rants—I promise.

Worst Lists

I’m guilty as anyone with this, devouring the best/worst lists of books, movies, TV shows, podcasts, apps, you name it, in magazines and newspapers. That said, I don’t see the point in worst lists. I mean, it takes time and energy to create anything, including something terrible. And no one goes in thinking ‘I’m going to spend X years devoting my time, energy and attention to something people will despise.’ And if you do, well, you don’t merit my attention anyway.

My Romantic Life

Hey, I’m as nosy as the next person. I’ll take all your relationship gossip. Laugh, cry and share along with you. And then I’ll vault it, never mentioning it to outsiders, or again if that’s what you want. The internet has no vault. Worse, it has a microphone that echoes for years. Hell, your in the moment rant can, and for many people has, outlast your relationship. No one deserves that, so I’ll bitch to my girlfriends over a glass of wine and spare everyone here the drama.

Now you know my criteria. Not for you? I get it. We all have only so much focus. At least, I didn’t waste your time. If, however, you’re still in, Welcome. I hope you enjoy the ride. Come back often and share your thoughts.

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