You Got A Blog? Great! What’s The Point?

Let’s start at the beginning. Question One of the Creation Content Playlist: a content creation strategy program Tell me about your business? I want to hear all your current and future plans as well as the marketing strategy you’re using and what is and isn’t working. Most of all, I …

Dissecting A Mystery Book Series: 3 Reasons Why Eve Dallas Works

I’ve read mysteries for the most part, since my teens. I love the puzzle aspect, the answers, or the start of them, you get by the end and the great detective that helps the world make sense. The last is the hardest, in my opinion, to pull off a in …

I Found the Perfect Elevator Pitch Template. Help Me Make It Work!

Once upon a time, a little show called Heroes existed. It had an epic first season, near perfect. The rest? Fair to say, they didn’t nail the landing. I’m not here to talk about that. Others have. With feeling. It was that kind of show. No, I want to focus …

The Joy of Rereading books: 4 Books That Pulled Me Back

Any book can be read and enjoyed once. Most books we read fall into this category, no shade implied. The author wrote a story that kept their reader engaged until the end, a mighty feat. Some books, though, have a different effect. Some books pull at you, invade your thought …

Cozy Books, Uncozy Language

I like cozy mysteries, or I did. Recently, however, I’ve struggled to find new series that I’ve liked. The restrictions have allowed for some stunning leaps of logic or amazing unrealistic relationships. I’m not pointing fingers because, frankly, writing anything is hard. Writing a series that gives loyal fans what …

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