Describing My Ideal Writing Day: A Tentative Schedule

It’ a Tuesday morning in Colorado. The sun it out, though snow is on the way. It’s February, so that’s nothing new. A pre-snow day and I’m having a lazy one. Not a good idea when I have an article and a blog post due, but I can’t seem to work up a sweat about it. Instead, I’ve been thinking about what my ideal day, The Best Day of My Life, like the song says, would look like. I know that everyones is different, and should be, but I thought today, I’d share mine.

My Morning

First thing to know about me, I’m a member of The Miracle Morning club. I do this not because I’m a big cheerleader, but because I needed something productive in the morning to deal with the inner work we all need to have a meaningful life. It provides a good framework, so I practice it. That is my first act in the morning. Next up, I write.

I know that there are writers who can put in a full eight hours or more, can write several books a year and have the ethic to pull it off for years. I’m not there yet. For me, the longest I can focus on my work is three hours. After that, it’s diminishing returns, so after I complete my Morning routine I grab my notebooks and start writing. I’m a big fan of the Pomodoro Technique, the 25/5 plan and that keeps me sane, and healthier. These two tasks take me to around 11AM. Time for breakfast!

Second thing I’ll share, I practice dynamic fasting. I know that it’s controversial but it’s also now a habit and I find I can’t face food much earlier than that. So, breakfast and then I get dressed and ready for the day.

My Afternoon

My afternoon is about the business, both book business and by other business, the one I said would remain out of the frame. Still, in the afternoon, I’ll deal with email, money issues and respond to the community. It’s a division of labor that I need as I accepted, or, rather never really accepted, the idea of multitasking. Now that science backs me up, I lean into my truth.

Third share: At some point in the afternoon, I take a nap. Part of this is the getting older thing, but I also find it helps with the mental shift I need. Business requires a different type creativity than writing does and I need a way to close one and open the other. Naps work for me.

My Evening

Everyone needs to recharge, and I take that seriously in my ideal world. I make sure I get good sleep, a full eight for my physical and mental health. I also get in some kind of exercise, even if its just dancing around the house. I enjoy some Netflix or a dinner out or some kind of other event. Then I get some reading in and I prepare for the next day. Before I go to bed, I set put my schedule and my outfit for the next day and settle in.

That’s it. My ideal day. And you know the best thing about it? It’s doable. I can see it so clear, and so I can make it happen. Make my life be much more like it. It’s an exciting thing to know. What about you? Do you have an ideal day? If not, why not? If so, care to share?

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